About The Mullings Group, LLC

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The Mullings Group is a business consultancy that helps micro-business entrepreneurs start and run their businesses by providing entrepreneurship training and business and technology consulting services.


Be the trusted partner of micro-business entrepreneur-leaders for developing themselves and their business.


  1. Develop and teach solutions that build wealth
  2. Help regular people become entrepreneurs so that they can live free
  3. Provide a low-cost, low risk way to start and run businesses that truly solve problems

Core Values

  1. Truth – honesty and integrity in all we do.
  2. Loyalty – we will be loyal to our clients and place a high value on our loyal clients.
  3. Honor – we will treat each client with the highest respect and honor.
  4. Whatever we do we will do well.
  5. We will seize challenges as opportunities.
  6. We will enjoy what we do.


Help me change the world by giving away 1 million free entrepreneurship classes.  Please share this link…http://BootstrapBootcamp.com/free – thank you.