8 Ways to Generate Leads with Ease

Lead Generation

Lead generation may be one of the most difficult and least researched areas of entrepreneurship. Consider the following eight techniques to start generating leads and improving your results today.

  1. Allow Newsletter Sharing

If you send out a newsletter regularly, or even on occasion, then you may wish to include social media buttons so that your readers are able to share your newsletter with their own networks. This presents a huge opportunity for you, as all of those people will be introduced to your content and may be interested in what you have to offer.

  1. Blog Regularly

Blogging on a regular basis can drive large amounts of tragic to your site, especially if you start to build a loyal following. Running a blog brings with it the potential to convert your readers into repeat customers.

  1. Take Part in Guest Blogging

Guest blogging allows you to establish a larger network of people who are familiar with your content. This concept goes both ways – guest blog on other sites to reach new readers, but also feature guest bloggers on your site in order to bring their fans to you.

  1. Create Videos or Slideshows

Publishing promotional videos or presentations on popular websites such as YouTube or SlideShare can attract waves of people you never knew existed. With the vast number of users seen on these two platforms, it’s no wonder leads can build up quickly. You may consider including content such as upcoming sales, information about your brand or product, and an offer that will make the viewer want to learn more.

  1. Practice Networking

Networking is an extremely important aspect of running a business. Meeting new people has the potential to introduce all sorts of wonderful surprises. Networking can be done almost anywhere, both online and offline. Read more about the benefits of networking for entrepreneurs here.

  1. Implement an Affiliate Program

An affiliate program is an excellent way to drive traffic and generate new leads. Joining forces with professionals from around the world is a marketing technique that is growing in popularity. Affiliates will advertise your product or brand on your behalf and you only have to pay them when you make a sale – the perfect exchange!

  1. Post Reviews and Seals

When visitors see reviews and testimonials on a website, it makes them feel more comfortable, like they aren’t the first person to use that site. Seals work in a similar way, as they convey to visitors that the website is safe and secure. For example, a BBB Accredited seal may convey the image of a trustworthy business. Also consider reassuring customers that their information will not be shared and will be kept confidential.

  1. Construct A/B Tests

Once you have everything created and working properly, try out two different versions of your landing page or sign up form to see which one converts better. This is known as A/B testing and will provide valuable insight that you may use to increase conversion rates and improve your lead generation techniques.


By Samantha Haupt


About Samantha Haupt

President & Co-Founder of LookLagoon Inc., Entrepreneur, Writer, and Photographer | An entrepreneur who loves learning about new ways to improve her businesses. A writer who enjoys teaching others. A photographer who is passionate about exploring the world and capturing the beauty of Mother Nature on camera. And a blogger who can't get enough of sharing her favorite experiences with others.

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